PHILADELPHIA - If you want to know why Philadelphia loves coffee, there are several factors that contribute to this phenomenon. First, the city has a large coffee culture. As a result, you're likely to find several establishments offering different kinds of coffee. Then, you'll need to decide which one you want to visit.
Why Philadelphia Loves Coffee
For example, you can try OX Coffee, which opened in 1994 and now serves coffee all over the Philadelphia area. In addition to offering great coffee, this place also features local musicians and artists. The staff is knowledgeable about the coffee and the different types of espresso.
The city has many places where you can have a cup of coffee. Many coffee shops are located in central Philadelphia, including the iconic La Colombe. Its Frankford Avenue location is one of the most popular places in Philly, with enough seating to hold a wedding ceremony and lots of coffee enthusiasts. The only drawback? It doesn't have Wi-Fi, but this hasn't kept customers away. The absence of the internet has allowed La Colombe to thrive despite its lack of connectivity. With a large selection of brewed beverages, this Philadelphia institution is a great place to meet friends, enjoy a book, or get some work done.
The coffee shop's cozy atmosphere is another reason why Philadelphians love it and one of the many reasons to visit Benna's, a quaint brick rowhouse with colonial-style windows and a cozy atmosphere. The Frankford Avenue location is large enough to hold a wedding, and its locals love it. Unfortunately, the location doesn't have Wi-Fi, but it's still a great spot for meetings and socializing.