PHILADELPHIA - The History of The Founding of Pennsylvania starts when Swedish settlers arrived in 16th century Pennsylvania. The area falls under British control in 1664, and in 1701 William Penn received a large tract of land and named it Pennsylvania. He then signs a Charter of Privileges and established a government. In 1731, Benjamin Franklin opens the first library in the United States, and the Mason-Dixon Line was agreed upon as the southern border with Maryland. In 1776, the first Continental Congress is held in Philadelphia, and in 1775, the Second Congress established the Continental Army led by George Washington. Then, in 1777, the British invaded Philadelphia and took the state.
William Penn
William Penn, a Quaker, aimed to create a new colony in America while seeking religious toleration and political reform. He also sought peace and cooperation with the Indians. In 1681, Penn convinced King Charles II to grant him a large tract of land in the New World. This land was originally called Sylvania, meaning "woods." Later, it was named Pennsylvania, after Penn's father.
William Penn's early life was filled with hardships. He attended school in Chigwell, Essex, and was expelled from Christ Church in Oxford. He was later arrested numerous times and incarcerated for his beliefs. However, his faith in God led him to advocate religious freedom. He dreamed of establishing a colony where Christians of all denominations could worship according to their beliefs.
Early settlers
The Delaware Valley was home to the Lenapes, an indigenous tribe of the area. The Dutch first established a trading post there in 1624. Later, the Swedes and Finns arrived and established the first permanent settlement in New Sweden. By 1654, most European settlers lived in the region from Philadelphia to New Castle. After 1664, the Duke of York claimed the western shore of the Delaware River.
The Pennsylvanians were motivated by several factors. Religion, rich farmland, and the availability of slaves drew many to the area. William Penn's vision of the colony included the creation of townships that would sustain local centers of religion and government. The Pennsylvanian population reached 9,000 in 1685.
Early government
Early government in Pennsylvania followed the British model, with a governor and two houses of Parliament. William Penn, appointed as the first governor by King Charles II, was committed to giving power back to the people. He also made certain that the government followed Quaker values. This approach to government would eventually be instrumental in developing American democracy. Pennsylvania also led the way in abolishing slavery.
A growing belief in individual rights also marked the founding of Pennsylvania. In 1681, William Penn crafted a government that rejected models of government that forced laws onto its citizens and instead emphasized self-government. The Pennsylvania Assembly, however, wanted the power to make laws. This pushed for a more representative government.
Religious tolerance
Religious tolerance was an important concept in the founding of the Pennsylvania colony. The founder William Penn was a Christian and wanted to create a society where people could follow their beliefs without fear of persecution. He hoped religious tolerance would lead to a stronger government and a more prosperous society.
William Penn was the driving force behind the colonization of Pennsylvania. He set up a government that guaranteed religious freedom to every colonist. The result was a society that protected religious and civil rights without allowing government abuse. According to an article by Arlin Adams and Charles J. Emmerich, religious tolerance was one of William Penn's greatest accomplishments in the New World.
Native American population
In the second half of the eighteenth century, Pennsylvania's Native American and European populations underwent a series of cataclysmic changes. Peace had reigned for decades in the state, but after 1754 a series of wars swept the frontiers and drove native peoples from their homes. This war, called the Seven Years' War, also caused a deep rift in Philadelphia's Quaker community.
Although the first federal decennial census enumerating Native Americans was not conducted until 1870, the 1870 census schedule was the first to include the category "Indian" under the column heading "Color." During this time, no state census included the option "Indian." Yet, in 1870, Pennsylvania had over forty thousand Native Americans living on reservations and roaming over unsettled lands.