PHILADELPHIA - In an increasingly interconnected world, the traditional boundaries of office spaces and geographic locations are becoming blurred. It's common to collaborate with colleagues located in various corners of the globe, navigating diverse time zones, cultures, and communication styles. While this is great for companies, it can make working with such a different way of life a trial.

Despite the challenges it poses, this international cooperation can be streamlined to significantly boost productivity. This article explores the methods you can use to improve productivity while working with your international colleagues.

Understanding Different Cultures

The culture of a region doesn’t seem so obvious until you look at it from an outside perspective. There will be some things that you do in your day that may appear confusing or irritating for an international colleague and vice versa. Only by recognising and appreciating this cultural diversity can, you take the first step toward improved global collaboration. Cultural norms and customs often dictate work ethic, communication, and business etiquette. For instance, while directness might be valued in one culture, another might place a higher premium on building relationships before engaging in business discussions. By respecting these differences, we can foster trust and smoother communication channels.

To facilitate this understanding, you may want to consider cultural sensitivity training sessions and online resources. These tools not only bridge the cultural gap but also help team members appreciate the rich diversity that global collaboration brings. If you feel this is too much, it doesn’t hurt to ask your colleagues more about these cultural differences.

Clear and effective communication is the backbone of any successful team, especially for those dispersed across various locations. Cultural and language barriers can sometimes lead to miscommunications. Adopting clear, concise, and respectful language can help alleviate this problem. The right communication tools will also help you in this area. 

Managing Time Zones

Dealing with different time zones can be tricky but is a reality of global collaboration. Try and keep your messages outside of work hours brief and to the point. Also, remember that you will not get a response right away so be prepared to work around any issues this creates. 

Another practical approach is to schedule meetings at times that work for everyone, or at least rotate meeting times to distribute the difficulty of off-hours meetings fairly. Tools that show overlapping work hours can be particularly helpful in this.

Use Document Management Tools

It is understandable that you may find your work can be confusing to people in other parts of the world. You could spend hours of your time working together to ensure that all of your work is standardised for better understanding, or you could just let the right document management tools do that for you.

Grammar is a difficult thing to get right when translating your work into another language- especially when converting things into English. That is why you will be pleased to know that you can use tools to help you clean up your work before sending it off. The little things like this, and being able to compress a PDF to make it send faster really smooths out your work operations. If you are ever struggling with your work in this way, try searching for the right document management tools to help. Chances are the thing you are looking for already exists.


In a remote working environment, you and your colleagues can often feel unrecognized or out of the loop. There is no one around to see what you are doing, and your main source of feedback will only come once you have all submitted your projects. Therefore, regular feedback and recognition between yourselves are essential. It can be as simple as acknowledging the work done by team members in team meetings or as formal as periodic performance reviews.

The right digital tools can also assist in this respect, such as team collaboration platforms that allow for recognition and rewards. By making recognition a norm, you can boost morale and motivation in your team, driving higher productivity.

Regularly Meet

Working in a different country may make it more difficult to physically meet up with your colleagues. However, that doesn’t mean that you have to remain strangers. Building personal relationships is just as important in a remote, international job role as it is in a traditional office setup. Virtual team-building activities can foster stronger bonds between colleagues who might not have the opportunity to interact in person. Such activities can range from virtual coffee breaks to online team games. The technology is there, so make you get the most out of it.

Similarly, creating space for non-work-related conversations can foster a sense of camaraderie and mutual respect. This can lead to a more cohesive team and, ultimately, increased productivity. Starting a relationship like this can start by just sending a friend request across social media.

Be Clear With Expectations

Without the physical cues of a traditional office environment, it can be harder to stay on the same page. It doesn’t take much for one person to misinterpret the tone of an email even when the sender and recipient both speak the same language therefore, it's important to set clear, concise expectations for all your team members. This includes goals, deadlines, and quality of work. Project management tools can help track progress and keep everyone informed.

Remember, these expectations should also consider the various time zones and cultural contexts of all team members. It may seem unfair to expect a project from someone by 5 pm if they are in a part of the world that has siestas, for example. It all comes back to thinking about different cultures again.


While working with colleagues across the world can present unique challenges, it also offers a wealth of benefits. By embracing diversity, enhancing communication, managing time zones, fostering relationships, providing regular feedback, and setting clear expectations, teams can tap into the true potential of global collaboration.