PHILADELPHIA - You may have heard of this dish, but what is it? A Pittsburgh-style steak is a rare to medium-rare cut of beef that has an outside crust that is very hard. In addition to the steak itself, the outer crust should be black and blue. The steak is traditionally about 10 degrees under Rare. If you can find a steak of this cut, you will have a delicious dinner.

How to Grill a Pittsburgh-Style Steak

To grill a Pittsburgh-style steak, first prepare the fire. Use firewood to heat your grill and prepare the coals. Place the steak on the hottest part of the grill, cooking for three to four minutes on each side. Then, remove the steak from the grill, and let it rest for a few minutes before serving. Once the steak is ready, cut it into pieces and enjoy!

Secondly, make sure that your meat is well-seasoned before cooking. You can only achieve the perfect Pittsburgh char with high heat and an open flame. To achieve this, use quality lump charcoal and make sure to burn the coals all the way through. Be sure to avoid putting too much butter on your steak, or you may blacken it instead of getting a beautiful char on the outside.

The first step is to prepare your steak. You should thaw it or bring it to room temperature. Then, prepare your grill by turning the flames to a high-heat setting. Place a 1-inch steak on the grill and allow it to cook for sixty to ninety seconds on each side. After cooking, you should allow the steak to rest for about two minutes before serving it.