PHILADELPHIA - During February, the weather in Philadelphia can vary from mild to harsh. You should dress warmly for the cold temperatures. The average amount of snowfall is also quite high during February. The coldest day of the month is the first day of the month.

Despite the cold temperatures, the city is relatively comfortable in February. The maximum temperature in Philadelphia in February is about 43 degrees Fahrenheit. The lowest temperature is 32 degrees Fahrenheit. The average daytime high in Philadelphia is about 41.5 degrees Fahrenheit. However, a few days can be warmer than average, reaching 62 degrees Fahrenheit. Philadelphia's record high temperature for February is 74 degrees Fahrenheit (23.3 degrees). The average low temperature during the month is 25 degrees Fahrenheit. At night, it can drop to below freezing. The days in February can be quite windy; the windspeed is averaged at 8.7 miles per hour. The average sunshine hours in February are about 5.3 hours.

While February is the shortest month of the year, it also has some of the most volatile weather. Monday's low temperature won't get much higher than the mid-20s, but the region is expected to see a major warm-up by the middle of the month.