PHILADELPHIA - The issue of dogs urinating on lawns is a common problem for many pet owners.  This article will discuss ways to prevent dogs from urinating on lawns and how to keep your lawn looking its best.

What are the best ways to discourage dogs from urinating on grass?

  1. Train the dog to use a designated area for urination.
  2. Use a commercial repellent spray or granules on the grass.
  3. Make sure the dog is getting enough exercise and mental stimulation.
  4. Provide plenty of opportunities for the dog to go to the bathroom outside.
  5. Clean up any accidents immediately and thoroughly.
  6. Supervise the dog when they are outside and correct any inappropriate behavior.
  7. Use a motion-activated sprinkler to startle the dog when they approach the grass.

In conclusion, stopping dogs from peeing on a lawn can be difficult. However, keeping your lawn free of dog urine is possible using the proper techniques and strategies. You can discourage dogs from urinating on your lawn by using deterrents, such as motion-activated sprinklers, repellents, and physical barriers. Additionally, providing plenty of opportunities for your dog to go to the bathroom in the right place can help to reduce the likelihood of them urinating on your lawn. You can keep your lawn free of dog urine with patience and consistency.